

Evening, originally uploaded and copyright by Lawrence Wright

A photo from my friend, Lawrence Wright (aka northdevonfarmer) motivated me to write a longer-than-usual comment on his Flickr photo, because it reminds me of how much I love the way we humans make art out of seemingly ordinary objects, everyday emotions or simply the impulse to create:

perhaps along the way
you see a stone,
your creative mind sees more
than stone

you pick it up
handle the stone's weight, its' heft
feel its' shape, the smooth roundness
you look around,
see a pointed stone nearby
your imagination sees the two
in such a way that you
transform both stones -- and more:
you change their context,
the environment in which they exist

and when you leave, there is
a balance struck
between these two simple old shapes
and the air and
the earth beneath them
waiting for the next passerby to see
and understand
and delight
and imagine


Pam said...

Oh, yes.

Tammy Brierly said...

Maureen, this was a wonderful poem to compliment this photo. You always find the beauty in simplicity and I love that you share it. :)

Maureen said...

thanks to both of you :o}