
Autumn in Montana & Eva Cassidy Singing: Fields of Gold

Click the player below to listen to Eva's sweet voice while you peruse these photos of Autumn in Montana:


Deb said...

Hi Maureen,

I do so love your photography (and Eva is one of my favorites--thanks for reminding me of that!)

There is an online publication taking submissions for photography as well as poetry and other creative writing. The submission date is soon, Januray 26th.

I don't know how you would pick just a few, but I wish you would! I posted the links here at stoney moss .


Sheila said...

I love the close up work you do. I love looking at everyday objects in a more details manner. That photos are great.

LauraHinNJ said...

What a treat to hear Eva Cassidy (she's a favorite of mine too) together with your beautiful closeups. Thanks!