
Photo Friday: The City

Dependency, originally uploaded by MontanaRaven.


Pam said...

This says a lot and is an excellent, artistic photograph of an eyesore. The artist' s eye.

Momgen said...

yes i agree interesting shot! Mine is up http://happymomiam.blogspot.com/2007/10/photo-friday-city.html

Anonymous said...

nicely done! I love the black and white aspect! well done.

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Endment said...

Great shot - I hope I don't ever have that as the view out my window!

S'mee said...

My father in law, his brothers, most of his sons and a few nephews are all lineman.

They would LOVE this photo, as do I.

chaindropz said...

Due to some investments. I can see the green in that photo. I think it is a great picture.