Photo Friday: Comfort:
brown bird considering the comfort of friends
The origin of mountain streams is like the origin of tears -- potent to the understanding but mysterious to the sense. -- Mary Austin
Behind a veil, Earth lets go her crystal waters
Here, a spring is protected, enclosed by a tangle of vines and understory trees: willows, birch, serviceberry, wild clematis ... ferns, liverworts, mosses and tiny water-loving green things co-exist with water striders, insect nymphs and songbirds. Deer have made a narrow path through the thicket to where they drink. They leave a delicate calligraphy of tracks as they browse on tender fiddleheads and new willow growth.
The spring is quiet. Peaceful. Hidden from everyday eyes. A secret harbor. A magical well. Thirst-quencher. Calm-giver.
Written Language of Water: if you look closely, you can see in this long exposure, the tiny scatterings and skatings, the markings made by water striders dancing on the surface of the water.
One of my favorite poetry books ever is Joyful Noise: Poems for Two Voices. I love it so much one time I bought 10 copies so I would have enough to give to my young friends who have since come to love it too. The poems about insects (water striders included) are written with a left and right column on each page -- each column meant to be read aloud by one person -- in time -- with a partner reading the opposite column. The poems' rhythms are designed to give the feeling and sense of each insect. My favorite of the poems for two voices is the one where the queen bee is one voice and a worker bee is the other voice -- they are both simultaneously describing the same hive, from very different points of view. And somehow it all works perfectly, causing us, as readers, to collapse on the floor in fits of laughter each time. Healthy harvest from our garden and the Real Food Market ... I think Sam eats better than most people do, especially at harvest time.
Sam's Healthwise Rawfood Cakes recipe
The ingredients in this photo are just what go into making the veggie part of Sam's diet. He also gets raw ground turkey, chicken, rabbit or llama meat plus a 1/3 cup of yogurt and sometimes cottage cheese. We also put salmon oil on each meal. Sam gets daily dog-vitamin tablets, glucosamine and milk thistle capsules as well.
cllick on the photo for an annotated view of all the ingredients.
A Map of the World, © Maureen Shaughnessy
Dear Friends,
I am hosting the September edition of Festival of The Trees at my other blog, Raven's Nest (aka Water, Earth, Wind and Fire.) Many of my photoblog viewers will be interested in checking out the tree-art, tree-poetry and tree-related science, prose and photography.
Fair warning: it's a huge post, but I hope it's worthwhile to explore around the links from the many participants in Festival #15.