
Scenes from a Gray Day


Pam said...

These are absolutely stunning. You have an incredible eye, your work inspires me. I like the curled leaf best.

Maureen said...

thanks, Pam ... the curled leaf is my favorite of the bunch, too. I titled it: Instrument because it reminds me of a cello - the shape is so graceful, almost scrolled, and the rhythms and patterns have a muscical quality. I'm glad you get such pleasure from these simple shots. I truly enjoy the process of finding and photographing tiny slices of the natural world.

Happy Valentine's Day to you! :-D

Pam said...

Why, yes, a cello! It remined me of something but I never grasped it.

Maureen said...

Tara - it's a leaf and stem of Russian Sage -- Perovskia atriplicifolia, out in our garden. but I see the resemblance to acanthus, you pointed out. although they are in very different families (Labiatae and Acanthaceae) and the size of the leaves is really very different, they are both deeply cut, with a similar shape. I love how Nature does that!