The Old Stack, Some New Snow
The origin of mountain streams is like the origin of tears -- potent to the understanding but mysterious to the sense. -- Mary Austin
I decided that at times when I'm too busy to write a blog post or even post comments in other people's blogs, that I wanted to still be able to share a photo on a regular basis -- hopefully daily, though there will be times I don't post at all because Tim and I travel alot. These will be mostly my photos and I'll sometimes blog about other people's photos I like alot. Don't know what kind of rhythms will take shape here ... or if there will be an overall theme. Although, like life itself, there will inevitably be certain themes that thread through my choice of photos. I'm leaving it up to my intuition and moods.
Thank you for visiting my photoblog. I really like getting comments from people who are looking at these photos, especially if you are moved to come back and check from time to time. That lets me know you are looking ... and lets me know what kind of response my photos and artwork engender in people's minds, hearts, spirits. Please feel free to leave even a one-word comment if that's all you have time for. It means alot to me!
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